Mike Ogas
Vice President
Mr. Ogas, along with his wife Teresa, are the Founders of School of Dreams Academy (SODA), a NM State Authorized Public Charter located in Los Lunas, NM serving grades Pre-K through 12th. SODA is in its 13th year of existence offering STEAM educational offerings, an Early College High School, and a K-5 Dual Language program. Mr. Ogas brings 40 years of educational experience to School of Dreams. Prior to becoming superintendent, he served as the state’s first Hispanic Education Liaison under N.M. Education Secretary Veronica Garcia as part of the historic and newly enacted Hispanic Education Act. He has served as Executive Vice-President for the Educational Support Division at Youth Development Inc. in Albuquerque and is one of the original members of the Latino Hispano Education Improvement Task Force. In 2007, Mr. Ogas retired, from his position as Los Lunas School’s Assistant Superintendent for Special Services. During his 28-year tenure in Valencia County, Ogas served in many capacities with both the Belen and Los Lunas school districts. He has been a coach, class sponsor, building level administrator, district level director, and assistant superintendent. For 17 years Mr. Ogas was also an adjunct faculty member for New Mexico Highlands University teaching courses in special education, education leadership, school law and school finance. He is currently Superintendent of School of Dreams Academy and an adjunct faculty member with the University of New Mexico.